Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 61

Where do I begin? It's been a crazy week. Xander and I got to go to AZ and spend time with his daddy, grandma Cookie and great-grandparents. Scott's taking care of his grandpa until someone else can take over... Xander couldn't sleep on the flight and fussed the whole way there. While we were there Xander got a couple new teeth and life was crazy for a couple days. We did enjoy our time together as a family again. There was A LOT of healthy food and Xander loved it. He's not a fan of sweets. Doesn't like ice cream (or anything cold) and not a fan of sugary or sweet (including some fruits). Ready to go see daddy...
Got my daddy! Life is good...
Strange kids focused dental office...
Daddy and Poppa Cookie...
Generations. Grandpa Logan met Xander every time we had a meal (his memory is going)...
The best daddy time ever...
We also took time to discuss our concerns for our little man. He's still not crawling and his doctor is saying that all children progress in their own time. We feel that it is time to seek a second opinion which was discussed while I was there. So, as soon as Xander and I got home (from a horrible flight where Xander fussed the whole time and screamed the last half hour of the flight. He was so tired) I called Dr. Krell and set up an appointment for Thursday at 2:15. Xander and I showed up early and the doctor asked so very many questions. I answered them all and we discussed the concerns I had as well as the concerns the doctor has. Xander is not sitting up on his own and he doesn't pull himself up. The appointment lasted 2 hours and required x-rays of his lower body, blood work, urine and muscle tests. He was so done by the end of the appointment. The x-rays came back fine. Some of the blood work was good. The rest of the tests will take a few days. Dr. Krell is concerned with Xander's muscle tightness and that he doesn't sit for long and that he isn't pulling up on his own. He also weighed in at 19 pounds and is 30" tall. Dr. Krell stated that he is in the low 2% in weight. We've just been letting Xander feed himself and pulling him away from the table when he started to push his food onto the floor. So, the last couple of meals I've continued to let Xander feed himself. Once he's done I have been feeding him the rest of the baby cereal mixed with fresh fruit and cottage cheese mixed with yogurt. He's finished both. I feel horrible now. I have been unknowingly been starving my little guy. I've also added protein mix to his bottle. I just want my baby to be healthy and strong. And today I received a phone call stating that Xander got into headstart- they will come to the house and he will start physical therapy at home (doctor's orders). Time will tell. Xander and his puppy (who looks waaaaaay guilty)....
Dr. Krell said the jumper was good for Xander but to keep him out of the walker- which does more bad than good...
Prayers are always nice~ remember my sweet little man in yours, please.

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