Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 54 & 55

Xander loves his puppy and they are learning to live and play together. Bones is quite patient with Xander. They'll play tug of war with the rope and Xander pulls on Bones ears and fur. They snuggle and are becoming fast friends. We are happy to have Bones as part of our lives. That's my boy...
You think I'm your boy...?
You're MY puppy...!!
Xander has physical therapy tomorrow and we have been working with him here at home. He will walk with his music walker (Thank you, Lindsey). Other than that he's still army crawling around. He loves to feed himself and his puppy and will take a bite and then drop one down to the ground for his dog. We try to explain why this is bad, but... Update- Xander went to the therapist, Ryan, this morning. Ryan was very impressed with Xander's strength,the definition in his stomach and arm muscles. He said Xander is the strongest little boy he's ever seen. He laughed when he saw Xander do his little army crawl. As Ryan placed Xander in front of toys he perked up and played. Ryan stated that Xander is very intelligent. Xander examines everything before he touches it. Ryan said that he wasn't autistic as he is quite physical and doesn't have any of the markers. Ryan also said that his strength was amazing and that when he "wanted to" he would probably pass over crawling and go straight to walking. We are not as worried. Ryan also stated that Xander was the cutest baby he'd ever worked with. I love that little man... He is the cutest little man!!