We're here in Illinois awaiting the birth of our beautiful son. Things never work the way you want them to so we are stilling in waiting mode. We got here just in time to find out that the adoption agency (on Jennifer's side) decided to give Jennifer money without talking to us. This would have been an easy ting to discuss several months ago, but to hear it on the way out here was frustrating as we were already broke. Then, as we pulled into town the social worker here told us the lawyer would cost another chunk of money we didn't have. After crying and praying~ we resorted to family. It would seem that the social worker, out here, is the kind of person who likes to wait to the end and lacks communication and compassion.
The list goes on and on of things we thought would happen but didn't: however, I don't want to dwell in a negative place at this time of rejoicing. We are working hard, occupying our minds with manual labor instead of birthing labor. We console each other with the knowledge that he can't stay in there forever.
We have spent many good days with Jennifer and shared many tear-filled days with her as well as we all prepare for the biggest changes in our lives. After our sweetest Xander fills our arms, we are off to see the judge for the finale... Of course then we have to wait for the states to communicate with one another~ government!
We hope to be home with a few beautiful days to spend with our precious bundle before I have to go back to work. My goal is to get the business up and running so that I can stay home with our sweetest and newest addition to our family.
For now we strip decks and repaint them, repaint rooms, plant flowers, empty weed infested ponds and try to keep our minds and body's so busy that we fall mindlessly asleep at night.
Keep us in your prayers please. Pray that Xander will come soon.