Sunday, August 21, 2011

6 weeks

Look at me- I can hold my head up!

He's getting so big! We are so excited to see him grow and we get to hear his little noises. He is our greatest joy and we are so happy to have him in our home.

Grandma Cookie will be here this week to play with my sweet Xander, who loves his grandma so very much.

Dan and Jackie got married on the 19th in Washington. We were unable to be there but are so excited. Xander's super excited to have a new aunt.

It has been one of those weeks. Not much has happened with my sweet Xander. He's sleeping pretty well through the night. We're trying to let him cry more~ not happening so much. We love to hold him. His new favorite position is being held~ face out so that he can look at everything. He is so aware of all that is around him. Today at church he stared his daddy down as Scott sang the hymn, "Be Still my Soul". He loves that song~ it calms him.

Excited to see what happens this next week! Lots of pictures...