Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This is for you, Charity...


1. What did you want to be when you grew up? A mom. It's all I've ever wanted in life.

2. Tell us about your first crush. How old were you? Who was it?I was 7. His name was Clark and he was "dreamy"

3. What 'horrid' disciplinary action are you guilty of with your children? I'll let ya know when I have some

4. Have you ever been out of the country? Where? Yes, Mexico

5. Do you shave as often as you should? Yup, 3 times a week

6. Have you ever been in a physical altercation? In high school I got into a fist fight with my "best friend". She was an evil "friend"

7. Did you ever date two guys at once... secretly? Nope

8. If you were to give advice about marriage to a young adult what would it be? Communicate about everything, know that you control the mood in the house, and enjoy your spouse frequently...
I like this!