Thursday, November 22, 2012

Month 16

Ryan (the physical therapist came on Tuesday. Xander is doing so well and Ryan was impressed. He gave us some new work-outs to get Xander walking. Xander has the strength and the balance he just isn't there yet. In time he will. My goal and hope is to have Xan walk to his daddy- only three more weeks to accomplish that goal...
Xander loves his bath time. I go back and forth between the tub and the sink. He loves to splash...
This is his, "Ooops, I got caught" face.
I walked in to find Wesley hitching a ride on Xander's back. Xander just kept crawling...
Xander found a pacifier. Lindsay and I laughed and laughed. These two are hilarious...
I'm making a quiet book for my little man. Page one- Potato Head couple
The astronaut page... There's an alien behind that moon...
And the beginning of the Noah's Ark page... I'm excited to complete this for him. Hopefully before Christmas THIS YEAR!!