Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 11

Sweet little man is growing so fast. He has growing pains that make me sad. He cries and cries. I hold him really close and we cuddle and I sing to him. He loves daddy's singing as well. Daddy dances with him and Xander just looks up into his eyes. He's such a doll and makes our family very happy and complete.

And my son is the strongest baby ever! He loves to be pulled up by his arms and lifts his little head up- he also loves when daddy holds him in the air or on his arm- tummy down, head up- as though he were flying through the air.

Look what a big boy I am! Sitting in his Bumbo

How cute am I?

Love my mobile...

Riding daddy's leg~ calming down

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 10

My sweet boy is growing up! Ok he's growing out of his newborn clothes- some of which are just right, but will soon be too small (like tomorrow).
Newborn outfit~ look how big I am!!

He's so strong. He loves to hold his head up and look around at everything. He'll look right into your eyes and watch as you talk to him. His look is so intent and so... shall I say, understanding? You laugh, but it is true.

He's got the smile down and we've heard the cutest giggle a couple times.

He is in an "I don't need sleep" stage and won't stay asleep during naps. Every once in awhile he'll finally crash...

He's such a sweet little boy. It's easy to fall in love time and time again. We feel so blessed. Let the giggling begin!