Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weeks 42 & 43

What a couple of wonderful weeks we have had. Xander is "army crawling" all over the place. He still doesn't have the crawl down, but he will get it... eventually. He's a determined little man and we love him so very much. The weather has been a little strange- up and down and all over- but we have had the chance to go play outside here and there. Xander loves to be outdoors and really loves to go for walks. He's not sure about sitting in the grass, such a strange feeling, I would guess.
We got a wagon for the kids. I was stuck here with little ones and no way to take them to the park or anywhere. So, a wagon we got and we love it!!
Oh, mommy, another picture?
Ready for church...
Just chillin'...
And after a hard day of play... A nap with his favorite friends...

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